What is HälsingeGuide?

HälsingeGuide.se arrange and package your stay in our beautiful Hälsingland and Gästrikland according to your wishes - or create an exciting and interesting trip, one or more days; always with a personal touch! The options and destinations are endless; we have our Decorated historical farmhouses of Hälsingland, which is one of Sweden's Unesco World heritage sites. We have medieval churches, fishermen chapels, ironworks, museums and interesting town centres. Not to forget our special law with "all mans right" wich gives us full access to beautiful nature with hiking, mushroom picking, forest bathing and more!



Are you looking for your Swedish roots? Want to visit environments and places where your ancestors lived or grew up? Maybe you want help with your Swedish ancestry or even arrange a family reunion!

Emigrant Guide

No matter what your intentions and wishes are, HälsingeGuide.se want to give you an unforgettable and exciting trip. We also have extensive experience from trips arranged for people with hearing loss and other functional variations.

All our guides are authorized and also nationally certified through SweGuide, a trade association for guides.

